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Showing posts from November, 2016

The curious case of the custom redirection on Salesforce Console

Every developer worth their salt knows that the easiest way of redirection from a page to another is by using everyone's favorite function public PageReference redirect() { PageReference pageRef = page.peskyProblemRedirection; pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } And the method is called by adding it to the Action attribute of the CommandButton or link, which works like charm and the user is redirected to the page after completion of the action. So why am I going back to the basics? Because this way of redirection causes a pesky little problem in using the Service Cloud or Sales Cloud console. Let's illustrate the problem, let's say you have a visualforce page as follows: <apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" controller="myExampleController"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton action="{!Re

Four secrets to improve the usability of your visualforce/Lightning pages on Salesforce

In the immortal words of a certain machine returning back in time, I am back. For now. After procrastinating for over a year and drafting a lot of rants- I am back with a very important coding lesson for you. For now. When we are designing a Visualforce page or an app or a lightning component (added that only to trick google) or any web page for that matter, we often tend to wrap up things quickly. Ask anyone on the team, how to design a good User Experience? and the person will immediately throw buzz words like Bootstrap, angular and other useless libraries (did someone squint?) Ok, Bootstrap, Angular-Js, and all the libraries are really cool and are useful in designing a fabulous UI. They are helpful in creating responsive pages that will work on all the devices but this post is not about those. Nope. For the purpose of this post, all the external libraries and buzzwords you use to decorate your resume are useless. (Adding Angular JS in your resume for a Salesforce consultant po