Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Promised Land of E20

Ancient Egypt was the worlds most flourishing culture. They build structure which have dazzled the world at large for millions of years. But when we look at those giant towering structures called pyramids, we fail to overlook few things.

1. All of them are tombs of pharaohs of Egypt.
2. All of them follow same dimensions and stand similar way.
3. The people who build these structures are nowhere acknowledged.

Any historian studying Egyptian would tell you that in ancient Egypt, the citizens used to devout their time farming. When the land was ready to harvest, the system would assign them to build the kings pyramid. There was no room for individual innovation and hence, despite being engineering marvels of the time, the pyramids era died down with the rise of prophets and modern religion.

During the era, Moses stepped forward and offered freedom to the peasants. Moses came up to these people who never knew the taste of freedom and offered them, what is described in the bible as 'The promised land.' As described, the promised land was the land filled with milk and honey. There was no map or direction to the promised land. There was no GPS system. Moses offered them a unfamiliar freedom away from the rigid slavery of the pharaoh, all he asked in return was a little faith.

Faith is very important when if you look at the Social Media and the E20 model. Faith is a two sided sword, that needs 2 people to trust each other and, if not, both of them fails. When Moses asked people to have faith and risk their lives to the journey of the promised land, it also required him to trust them to accompany him without question in the unmarked territory. He also had to trust them, that they won't rat him out to the system or the Pharaoh.

If there is a road map of E20 in the organization, the first step is that is that the organization have faith in the employees. That is of foremost important. When we recognize every individual with his own aspirations and struggle towards a single goal, we get much closer in getting that goal.

Every individual should be given a vision of the promised land, not only the organization is benefiting from it, also the individual aspirations and ambitions are considered along the journey. There is a clearly marked road-map that we are on the journey to the promised land and everyone is important, respected and irrespective of their designation, is part of the entire journey.

The shallow feeling of job satisfaction slowly will reduce in the employees and more and more policies and ideas give them the bigger picture of the entire system. Now, they should not work with the organization for money but because it is the right thing to do.

As the organization, the new vision statement is the promised land and they should create the promised land for the clients, for the employees all in one statement. The big vision statement or the promised land of the organization should also be explained to the junior most member in the organization his promised land, that can include specific perks, popularity or even promotion.

By taking in consideration of everyone promised land, the new Moses sets up the imagination of the entire organization working for the final goal to the organizations promised land. Now, the organization can build engineering marvels like the pyramids, not because people have to, but because they want to. Thus making the organization much more stronger and to stand the test of time.

This new organization will be SocialBiz or E20. 


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