Friday, February 4, 2011

[Idea] Twitter IVR using or ITR

With Social Media going on complete rhino rampage in the market, more and more companies are jumping the bandwagon opening up their service centers on twitter. This is a good alternative than a boring phone call with a incentive earing, extremely bored tele-operator whose job profile does not include thinking or a rude she-hulk hogan going through rigorousness training on Customer handling and still removes the anger of her husband on unsuspecting customers. But with twitter we are given a most important power, control over data. So can we build a IVR (interactive voice response) system on twitter? lets call it ITW (interactive twitter response)


The idea is, using twitter API we will be listening to tweets to a twitter address, that tweet is automatically fetched using a listener agent (we can use java here)

The tweet is then distributed using token and the token can be used to query the data base.

The db will return back the possible response with options available for user to reply.

The user has to chose a response and reply to the tweet, and we can fetch the in reply to information encoded in the tweet to mark it with previous tweet.

The system will be as marvelous as annoying to the user and it will be fun to screw someone out. Right?

How does it sound? Already have dibs on this wait and watch....


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